Getting to the Heart of Parenting- REVISED

This week while Lucy has been in Vacation Bible School, I have been attending a parenting seminar. How did that happen? It’s a funny story.

As I drive up to the Church where Lucy will be attending VBS this week, I see a sign that reads “Parenting Seminar Today- 10-11”. I thought “How nice” and continued down the driveway. As I pulled in I saw a familiar face and this person says to me “Hey! You here for the free babysitting too?!” I giggled. I guess in a sense I was. Three hours without Lucy. Do you have any idea how clean my house will be this week?!

I have never been to this church before so I was just taking it all in. Trying to figure out where I was going and where to drop off my little girl who isn’t so little anymore.

“Would you like Mommy to stay here with you to make sure you are okay?”

“No, I will just sit next to Mia.”

“Well, Okay, I will just sit in the back in case you need me.”

She didn’t need me. Humph.

As I walked towards the back of the Church,  two elder ladies approached me:

“Will you be leaving your little one today?”

“Well, no. I’m just waiting to see how my daughter does and if she is alright then I will just come back later.”

“Are you sure? We have a Cribbery!”

“Oh, yes, but thank you so much for offering.”

They started to dismiss the children and Lucy never even looked back. I guess she will be fine. I guess I will just go home. This will be good for me… I mean her.

On my way out the door a man stopped me and asked: “Hey! Would you be interested in staying for the Parenting Seminar we are having today?”

I stopped. I thought about it.

Left Shoulder: What did you just say? You can?! What? We have plans. We are going to go clean our house. We are going to put the baby to bed and have two extra glorious hours to ourself! What do you mean, yes, you will stay?!

Right Shoulder: Well, you really don’t have anything better to do. So what, you are going to clean your house? Really? You do that everyday. What do you need free time for? Isn’t a free parenting seminar a great opportunity for you to grow as a parent and better serve your children? Free childcare. God. This will be good for you.  

 And I responded. “Uh, Well, I guess I can.”

So, I walk downstairs and hand off my little man to the little old ladies in the Cribbery.

When I came back upstairs I overheard the gentleman who had asked me to stay say to another woman: “Well, we have one young lady who is willing to stay.”

What?! Oh Lord. Ha-Ha.

“Oh, Well, if it is just me, please do not feel obligated. I can go. It is not a big deal!”

“Nonsense! Stay! Maybe some other people will trickle in!”

Left Shoulder: Yes! A Way Out!

Right Shoulder: Well, cool, one on one parent counseling! Lord knows I need it! This kind of thing is importand, Janet.

And that is how it happened.

(Did I mention the Seminar is everyday? Oh, no? lol ) 

When I was pregnant with Lucy I took a parenting class. It was and has been so helpful in training up my children. This seminar happens to be led by the same person who did the last one I took and boy, has it been amazing. So timely. Thank you Lord for ordaining this opportunity! I didn’t realize how much I had forgotten and how many holes there are in my parenting style.

You do not have to be a genius to realize that the children in todays culture are well, a bit out of control. I know mine sure aren’t perfect. Who’s to blame? You mean I am not a perfect parent? Rats.

Do you not agree with me that it is SO important to be the best parent we can be for our children?!

I urge all of you to consider taking a step towards bettering yourself as a parent. There are lots of good recourses out there but I HIGHLY recommend this Seminar if you don’t have any other ideas. It does not matter how old your children are, there is wisdom here for every single season of life. You also do not have to be a Christian to appreciate the very practical steps and advice to get your parenting back in order.

Yikes. I have work to do.

Here is a link if you would like to purchase the CD or DVD. You can always listen to it in your car, Lord knows we drive enough!

Below is an interview with Paul Tripp, the Pastor who teaches the Seminar. I think it is a good overview if you are interested.

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