Something Is Not Right

One year ago today, I was sitting on the beach with my family, the first time I thought “something’s not right”. The next 48 hours was spent doing everything I could to get my baby to move, while trying not to panic and ruin everyone’s vacation. I was curious, cautious, but not yet concerned. GoogleContinue reading “Something Is Not Right”

Holy Bad Day

Today, has been a hard day. Think, “if I wasn’t in a public place right now someone would be really hurt” kind of a day. Fo realz. Half serious. Thank goodness I was in public. It has been some time since I have had one of these. My blood pressure is still boiling. I can understand howContinue reading “Holy Bad Day”

A Dream Come True

We went to Disney World. It was a dream come true. I have never been, nor did I think I would ever actually go. It was amazing. Better than I could have imagined. There is a lot I could say and SO many pictures I could post (239 to be exact) but for the sake of myContinue reading “A Dream Come True”

More About Practically Loving Your Husband

Hello World. It’s me. I’m here. What a whirlwind of a Summer. My life, I mean really. Lots of exciting things. And of course there is always some gloom thrown in there too. And tans.  And tears. And baby sitters needed please! Moving on. On my way to Church yesterday I was daydreaming. I had a revelationContinue reading “More About Practically Loving Your Husband”

Do we always like our kids?

I was talking with a friend of mine who is having a hard time parenting her 18 month old son. She says to me: “I feel like such a bad Mom; I do not always like my Son. He is very difficult to deal with and is always yelling and screaming. When I get onContinue reading “Do we always like our kids?”

Jehovah Jireh

Remember when I mentioned that one of the things I would like to “focus” on this year is contentment? Well, thankfulness and gratefulness come hand in hand with contentment. If I am being discontent, I am also being ungrateful and not thankful for what I have. It is a very sobering thought to label myself asContinue reading “Jehovah Jireh”

One Word (or two) 2014

New Years Resolution? Nah. No thanks. But, what about a New Year focus? I came across something quite interesting recently that has given me a different perspective. I subscribe to a blog called Praise and Coffee, I received an email yesterday entitled “One Word- 2014” (click here to read the whole article). Basically you chooseContinue reading “One Word (or two) 2014”

The Search For Pleasure

I was born in 1985 to young parents who didn’t have the smallest clue as to how to raise a child. They did the best they could with what they had and what they knew. What I am about to share is not to reflect poorly on them but to display God’s goodness and grace in myContinue reading “The Search For Pleasure”

As The Towers Were Falling

On my way home last night, I was listening to the radio and happened across this testimony of a man who survived the attacks on The World Trade Center. When I arrived home, I could not get out of my car. I sat in my driveway and listened. Envisioning. I could not turn it off. This is oneContinue reading “As The Towers Were Falling”

Getting to the Heart of Parenting- REVISED

This week while Lucy has been in Vacation Bible School, I have been attending a parenting seminar. How did that happen? It’s a funny story. As I drive up to the Church where Lucy will be attending VBS this week, I see a sign that reads “Parenting Seminar Today- 10-11”. I thought “How nice” and continuedContinue reading “Getting to the Heart of Parenting- REVISED”