We Named Him William

William Wallace to be exact. That’s right. Like THE William Wallace. Well, Kind of. More like the Mel Gibson from Braveheart version of William Wallace. The real William Wallace is cool, but the Mel Gibson William Wallace is really cool. Ryan loved that movie. He always teased me by saying “if we have another son,Continue reading “We Named Him William”

He Did Not Die

[*Trigger Warning: The content of this story contains sensitive material relating to mental illness.*] One year ago today, I walked into my Grandmothers house to find my Dad unconscious in his bed. I didn’t realize at first, though the thought was in the back of my mind. Then I found the note. A goodbye note.Continue reading “He Did Not Die”

Something Is Not Right

One year ago today, I was sitting on the beach with my family, the first time I thought “something’s not right”. The next 48 hours was spent doing everything I could to get my baby to move, while trying not to panic and ruin everyone’s vacation. I was curious, cautious, but not yet concerned. GoogleContinue reading “Something Is Not Right”

The Aluminum Anniversary

A “friend” of mine pulled up next to this hot guy I had been “noticing” for quite a while, and rolled down her car window to tell this boy, rather loudly, that “she wants to have your babies!”. I, of course, calmly countered this comment with a “NO I DON’T!!!” followed by an “OMG- I can’t believe youContinue reading “The Aluminum Anniversary”

The Drums

I know some of you think we are crazy for getting a musical instrument for our preschooler. A very loud musical instrument. He would have had them last year if Mr. Price didn’t put his foot down. Thankfully he came around this year and agreed to let me get a drum kit for our boy. Abram “plays theContinue reading “The Drums”

I’m Two and Kind of Terrible

Hello. I’m Abram. Aren’t I cute? Yeah, I know. I know how to work it. Do you like my shirt? I prefer to wear clothes that only have balls on them. My Mom tries to get me to wear other types of clothing (you know, like stripes or shirts with words- yuck!) but I give her a fitContinue reading “I’m Two and Kind of Terrible”

Do we always like our kids?

I was talking with a friend of mine who is having a hard time parenting her 18 month old son. She says to me: “I feel like such a bad Mom; I do not always like my Son. He is very difficult to deal with and is always yelling and screaming. When I get onContinue reading “Do we always like our kids?”

18 Months and All Boy!

My Baby boy is now officially a year and a half.  What a snuggler!!! Great sleeper. Lots of energy. Strong willed. I love him. Abram is pretty challenging because he is into everything… and I am not used to that. He is adventurous, daring and fearless. He is quick (super quick) and smart. How doesContinue reading “18 Months and All Boy!”