We Named Him William

William Wallace to be exact. That’s right. Like THE William Wallace. Well, Kind of. More like the Mel Gibson from Braveheart version of William Wallace. The real William Wallace is cool, but the Mel Gibson William Wallace is really cool. Ryan loved that movie. He always teased me by saying “if we have another son,Continue reading “We Named Him William”

A Picture That Reads: I’m Infertile

I was looking for something in the back of my vanity a few weeks ago and as I reached back, I started pulling out all of the empty boxes of Pregnancy Tests I keep hidden back there. I knew they were there, but I didn’t realize how many I had let pile up. I startedContinue reading “A Picture That Reads: I’m Infertile”

Holy Bad Day

Today, has been a hard day. Think, “if I wasn’t in a public place right now someone would be really hurt” kind of a day. Fo realz. Half serious. Thank goodness I was in public. It has been some time since I have had one of these. My blood pressure is still boiling. I can understand howContinue reading “Holy Bad Day”

18 Months and All Boy!

My Baby boy is now officially a year and a half.  What a snuggler!!! Great sleeper. Lots of energy. Strong willed. I love him. Abram is pretty challenging because he is into everything… and I am not used to that. He is adventurous, daring and fearless. He is quick (super quick) and smart. How doesContinue reading “18 Months and All Boy!”

Lucy’s Ink

Before I start this post, I would just like to express how evident the grace of God was yesterday in my life. When it is nap time or “quiet time”, I really cherish the “free time” that I have those two hours. If anything, I mean anything, gets in the way of the only downtime IContinue reading “Lucy’s Ink”

The Birth Story Part II

* Read Part I Here. I like to subtitle Part II: “Just In Case”. … So we returned from trying on tux’s around 8:00 PM. I was starting to feel a little nervous because my contractions were still regular. I was pacing around the kitchen trying to figure out what to do. I decided to makeContinue reading “The Birth Story Part II”

Happy Birthday Mamma!

My Mom is… Generous. She is very generous with her time and is always willing to take the children off of my hands. A Baker. My Mom is pretty much the best baker ever. There is not a sweet that she can’t make, nor is it anything less than amazing. A Brunette. She has recently hadContinue reading “Happy Birthday Mamma!”

The Birth Story- Part I of 3

Monday, August 20, I had a followup appointment with my midwife. I am 1 week and three days late. At this appointment I was to be “checked” for effacement and dilation and to officially schedule my induction time for that Friday. At this point, I am assuming that I will have to be induced so I wentContinue reading “The Birth Story- Part I of 3”

Abram- 4 Months

My baby boy is growing. Fast. He is giant. A chubby little happy giant. At 4 Months Abram is 17.8lbs, 26inches long and wearing 6-9 Mo clothing. He is only about 10lbs less than Lucy. Smiley. Oh boy does he smile. Content. This kid just hangs out. He only cries when he is hungry and  IContinue reading “Abram- 4 Months”