We Named Him William

William Wallace to be exact. That’s right. Like THE William Wallace. Well, Kind of. More like the Mel Gibson from Braveheart version of William Wallace. The real William Wallace is cool, but the Mel Gibson William Wallace is really cool. Ryan loved that movie. He always teased me by saying “if we have another son,Continue reading “We Named Him William”

A Picture That Reads: I’m Infertile

I was looking for something in the back of my vanity a few weeks ago and as I reached back, I started pulling out all of the empty boxes of Pregnancy Tests I keep hidden back there. I knew they were there, but I didn’t realize how many I had let pile up. I startedContinue reading “A Picture That Reads: I’m Infertile”

The Birth Story- Part I of 3

Monday, August 20, I had a followup appointment with my midwife. I am 1 week and three days late. At this appointment I was to be “checked” for effacement and dilation and to officially schedule my induction time for that Friday. At this point, I am assuming that I will have to be induced so I wentContinue reading “The Birth Story- Part I of 3”

Abram: 41 Weeks

It is just a little annoying that I had to title this post “41 Weeks”. Ugh. The waiting game. No fun. Come out!! I am nervous because the longer he waits the closer to an induction date we get which puts me at higher risk for another C-Section and I DO NOT want to goContinue reading “Abram: 41 Weeks”

Abram: 39 Weeks

I’m ready for you buddy, feel free to come at any time!!! I have felt the BEST I have felt this entire pregnancy the past two weeks. I have not been sick from food or emotional or exhausted… I feel like a whole new person. Dare I say I am even sleeping somewhat comfortably! IContinue reading “Abram: 39 Weeks”


I’m hormonal. I’m grumpy, irritable, emotional, judgemental, guilty, lonely, tired, stressed, anxious and blessed all at the same time. I just want to curl up on someone else’s bed and vent/cry over stupid things. I want to say “what is wrong with me?!!” but I know the answer, I’m 37 weeks pregnant and this is normal.Continue reading “Bamalama”

Abram: 35 Weeks

So here is the skinny. That’s funny. Get it, skinny? Not so much… Anyway… I’m going to start with a random thought. I don’t think my baby belly is cute. It just sticks straight out. Literally I have beach ball under my shirt. If I were a few inches taller it would be a littleContinue reading “Abram: 35 Weeks”

Baby Price #2: 16 Weeks

Well Darling, you are finally starting to allow me to enjoy life again. The nausea is slowly dissipating… I feel better with each day. I am still randomly vomiting but unlike my first pregnancy vomiting actually makes me feel better so I don’t really mind! Thank you also for allowing me to eat healthy foodsContinue reading “Baby Price #2: 16 Weeks”

Baby #2: 11 Weeks

That is right, I am approaching my second trimester. I can see the sun over the horizon. Hopefully this dreadful nausea will be gone before I know it. I don’t want to speak too soon, I know it could stick around, but please Lord let this leave me! I need to get back to beingContinue reading “Baby #2: 11 Weeks”

none of my pants fit

I had my first OB visit last week. You would never believe that I’ve lost 5 pounds. Let me just tell you that I have eaten fast food three times in two weeks. I have been eating cereal, bread, pizza, bagels, waffles… the list of carbs and crap goes on. How on earth have I lostContinue reading “none of my pants fit”