Abram: 41 Weeks

40 Week Bump

It is just a little annoying that I had to title this post “41 Weeks”. Ugh.

The waiting game. No fun. Come out!!

I am nervous because the longer he waits the closer to an induction date we get which puts me at higher risk for another C-Section and I DO NOT want to go through that again. Please Lord, bring this child out! Today if possible…

I have been dilated for almost six weeks now (currently 4 cm and 80% effaced). I am healthy and don’t have any issues or concerns. I have tried almost every natural induction remedy possible (minus castor oil and other things similar) and had my membranes stripped on Tuesday (sorry TMI)… still nothing. Ryan was 11 days late, I guess he is proving to be just like his Daddy already.

Honestly, who would really wants to leave the womb? He is warm and cuddled and eats all day and doesn’t have to do a darn thing. He’s a smart boy.

The plan from here is this- On Friday (tomorrow) I have a Non-Stress Ultrasound, follow-up apt on Monday with my Mid-wife, another ultrasound on Tuesday and if nothing happens… induction on the 24th. So, I could be really pregnant for another whole week. Ahhhh!!!

How am I feeling besides nervous? Tired!! He is taking all of my energy. I am getting a chest cold. I am also concerned because Ryan has had three slow-ish weeks of work (would have been perfect for baby to come) and starting next week he is going to be swamped. We will do what we have to do but I don’t want him to have to be distracted with work obligations and I want him to be fully available for me (because I’m needy). It will all work out, it always does. Oh yeah, and if he doesn’t come out the “normal” way, he is probably going to bust out of my sides because there is absolutely no more room in there for him. I am so uncomfortable.

My phone is acting up right now and it is really pissing me off because I am irritable.

I’m having a really hard Barxton Hicks contraction right now… do your thing BH… push that sucker out!

Yesterday at the store, the grocery clerk said: “I guess I am going to have to charge you for that watermelon”. I thought that was funny.

Okay, Well. I’m going to lay down now before Lucy gets up… since she hasn’t been napping very long and I need my rest. I can’t rest when Lucy is up because she is one of those “hit the ground running” types.

BTW- I realize that I am not THAT late yet but that does not change the way I feel…  7 days is still late and I really wanted his Birthday on 8/10/12. lol


One thought on “Abram: 41 Weeks

  1. I don’t think the store clerk would have gotten a laugh from me. :0P I feel ya on the waiting game. Come, Abram, come! Andrew wants another playmate! Heehee.

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