
I’m hormonal. I’m grumpy, irritable, emotional, judgemental, guilty, lonely, tired, stressed, anxious and blessed all at the same time. I just want to curl up on someone else’s bed and vent/cry over stupid things. I want to say “what is wrong with me?!!” but I know the answer, I’m 37 weeks pregnant and this is normal.

I don’t like it. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t this crazy with Lucy. Nope, don’t think so.

I just have so much I want to do to feel prepared for this baby when he makes his appearance but I don’t have the physical or emotional strength to do it myself. Ryan works a lot so he isn’t here that much to help and when he does come home the last thing he feels like doing is going shopping or hanging pictures. I wish I could hire a PA so I could just sit in my rocker and point fingers. Man that would be awesome.

Lucy has been on amazing behavior lately. Totally God’s grace. SHe has not been sleeping that great but she has been obedient and polite and happy… I am so grateful! I don’t think I could handle a crazy two year old being where I am emotionally… we would both be having tantrums on the living room floor. THank you Lord for this lovely break from toddler attitudes and defiance. Thank you.

Remember in my last post I had mentioned that I have been having some oral issues? Like, wanting to chew and eat strange things? Well, I did buy a sponge, washed it with Gain laundry detergent, dried it and chewed on it. It was not as satisfying as I thought it was going to be. I think I got a cheap sponge because it kept falling apart in my mouth so I decided to lick it instead of chew on it and that was much better. After I realized that I am a huge freak, I bought a new toothbrush with stronger bristles and that has really been helping my temptation to chew on weird textured things. I have been brushing my tongue a lot…

I had a dream that I was on Project Runway and I designed and made all of my own clothes and I did an awesome job.

Everyone, let’s join together and pray that I will have a successful VBAC. Thank you.

I want him to be here but I don’t want to deliver him.

For all my Christian Folk that reads this here blog… I need some female fellowship. Just throwing it out there. I’m in a rut. I can’t get out/over/through it and I just need to hang out with some joyful people. Ok, thanks.

Margaritas! I want one! Actually right now I want an iced coffee which is weird because I don’t like coffee… but I’ll still take the Margarita.

Our parents and my lovely Sister-In-Law TO BE threw us a little Baby “Sprinkle” last weekend. I was so surprised and humbled by the generosity of our loved ones. Thank you sooooo much for all you did for us. Our family is loved, Abram is loved.

Here is a little montage of pictures of all the crafty gifts we received… so, so, creative!! Love it!!!

And so, I will leave you with this final thought:

“I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind… Does [this] make me crazy? Does [this] make me crazy? Does [this] make me crazy? Possibly!!”       -Gnarls Barkley

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