none of my pants fit

I had my first OB visit last week. You would never believe that I’ve lost 5 pounds. Let me just tell you that I have eaten fast food three times in two weeks. I have been eating cereal, bread, pizza, bagels, waffles… the list of carbs and crap goes on. How on earth have I lost 5lbs? This is crazy. I guess the secret is to eat like an adolescent boy. I feel disgusting. Today I tried to do the Hokey Pokey with Lucy and I got out of breath. WHO AM I?!

Normally I would be really excited about this weight loss but I honestly don’t really have the money to go ahead and replenish all of my jeans (they are falling off my rear). I also don’t think it is a good idea because in a couple of weeks I will be starting to “show” and I might need maternity jeans. With Lucy I almost wore my regular pants the whole time just leaving them un-buttoned. In either case I am really going to need new pants. Maybe doing some rump exercises might help?

Did you know Lucy is considered a preschooler?  She is two. I think that is weird. I mean I guess technically she is preschool, but I feel like children who attend preschool or are preschool age should be considered a preschooler, not a two-year old child who doesn’t have an option of attending a preschool. Well I guess some schools do offer a two’s program. Whatever. It just sounds to old for me. She is practically a genius though… just short of reading. lol

Random fact: “Birds don’t go pee-pee. All they do is poop.” Don’t you feel informed now? apparently that is a fun fact I should share with my child. I got an email about it. I guess it is funny.

There are two things that Lucy has been saying lately that I don’t like: “stop it!” and “get off!/get out!”. Fess up! Which one of you out there taught her those phrases? They just sound so rude coming out of her mouth. I can honestly say I have never spoken those words to her and if I have for some reason and I can’t remember, I know I at least said please!

I asked Lucy if she wanted a baby boy or a baby girl. She said “gull”. I asked Lucy if Daddy wanted a baby boy or a baby girl and she said “boy”. Mommy doesn’t care. I filled out the Ancient Chinese Gender Chart that is supposed to be 98% accurate and it said… “G”. Don’t tell Ryan. He might get upset.

We can’t agree on any girls names. We aren’t fighting about it, we just don’t like any girls names. Or the same girls name. We are set on a boy’s name. I think Ryan and I are the only people who are going to like it but… oh well! You’ll learn to love it! =)

On another note, I just wanted to publicly thank my wonderful and amazing husband for taking such good care of us. You have been so helpful, patient and understanding. I know it is not easy to live with me (especially in this “condition”), but you manage to do it lovingly and without complaining. What an example of a selfless servant you are. Thank you for always taking out the trash without me having to ask. Thank you for always kissing me goodnight even when I don’t feel like rolling over. Thank you for recently making your own lunches so I can sleep in. Thank you for taking down all of the Christmas stuff this past weekend; I know how much you hate decorations. Thank you for being understanding when I have a ridiculous craving that causes me to have to spend money on food (I know it is a waste of money). And, lastly, thank you for trying to make me feel beautiful when I feel like the MOST unattractive human being alive. You’re great. ❤


Okay, I’m going to go lay down now while Lucy is sleeping. Hooray for me… I did all of our laundry today!

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