New Blog Post. This Is Not About Family Events.

Hello my friends, hello my friends, helloooo, hell-ooooooo…

You can sing that to the tune of “Sholom My Friends” if you remember from Middle School Chorus Class.

It has been a while since I have written. Not for lack of motivation, more so lack of time. Well, Okay, and some motivation. It just seems that more and more I want to do absolutely nothing during my free time because I don’t feel like using my brain or energy (because like a squirrel who stores up nuts for the winter, I have to store up energy for the other half of my day). The other days that I actually have things to do, well I am quite busy and my free time ends too quickly.

I took myself off of Facebook and Instagram for a while because I just found myself mindlessly scrolling, and scrolling, scrolling…. 30 minutes later I have nothing accomplished and my children are now covered in paint and eating M&M’s in the corner. This is an exaggeration, obviously. However, I was using Social Media as a mental escape from my day and I was getting frustrated with myself. You know, if I didn’t waste so much time doing nothing, I could be getting a lot of “somethings” done. Now, not to say that I don’t need a break now and then but I could be mentally breaking at more appropriate times of the day and utilizing more appropriate and healthy means of breaking.

Like, reading or crocheting or researching events for my new Facebook Page that everyone likes, right? <wink>

Anyone else having trouble getting off of the sugar train? Man. Ever since the New Year (I did a good job during Christmas) I just can’t seem to get a handle on my sweet tooth. It’s like I become possessed around 2pm everyday by Willy Wonka and I ravage through my cupboards looking for something I can dip in Peanut Butter. Are you supposed to capitalize Peanut Butter? It is a thing. I don’t know, I always get confused when it comes to capitalizing.

I am going to try to write more. I have a lot of things I want to write about that I haven’t had the opportunity to do. Not that anyone actually reads this, or cares what I have to say, but maybe you do. One thing is embarrassing so at least you will have an opportunity to laugh at me. I always enjoy allowing others the opportunity to laugh at my “misfortunes”.

Have a nice day!


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