James 1: 2 – 4

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you face trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

James 1:2-4 (NIV)

I am not sure if you are like me or not but I certainly DO NOT count it joy when I face trials, of any kind! I do not like it. I’m mad and I just do not understand why I have to be going through a trial. I mean really.

Within the past few months we have had to deal with some pretty significant trials. So many trials that it is almost comical anytime something else happens.

Honestly, I am surprised at my attitude lately. Normally, I would tell you that I am pretty good at trusting God when comes a trial. I know just what to do and how to handle it and no matter what, God will provide and he will take care of us. For some reason, I have had a completely different attitude in my heart and though I still feel that way, I am bitter that he is allowing this season of trials. Maybe not bitter per-say, but definitely not happy. More Whiney.

But just because I am a Christian or you might say “a good person”, doesn’t mean I am exempt from trouble coming my way. In fact, the Bible says “Count it all joy WHEN you face trials…” not “IF you face trials”.  Trials will come. But how will you handle it WHEN it does? Will you be steadfast? Am I being steadfast?

What does it mean to be “steadfast”? Loyal, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady, true, constant, staunch, solid, trusty, firm and unwavering.

So, when I am going through a trial and my faith is being tested, am I turning from God? Am I trusting in the created rather than the Creator? Am I still devoting myself to God despite my circumstances? Do I cling to God to carry me through these trials?

Or, do I turn away and reject God? Do I blame others? Do I blame God? Do I run to worldly things for satisfaction and refuge from my trial? Do I waver in my faith and question God’s goodness?

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12

For me, the verse above is encouragement to keep going. Keep  fighting. Trust God no matter what because he will bring me through whatever trial I am going through. If I am tempted to turn, REMAIN STEADFAST! You will face trials Janet, will you still love me through them? I still love you.

 I have questioned God and been mad. I have not questioned his capability to provide or question his love towards me. After experiencing many difficulties and trying situations, I have seen God’s goodness countless times. He has faithfully provided more times than I can count. I know I do not need to worry, he has my back.

Even when I feel this way (able to trust Him), I can still not feel loved through these situations (human nature I guess…), but the Bible tells me that he does love me, no matter what.

“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,  nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:38-39

As we are starting to come out of the other end of our situation, I can see the light and how God has provided and loved us through our circumstances. How he has cared for me even when I was hardening my heart. We can’t always know the answer to “why” but we can always trust. Because no matter what, God loves us and wants what is best for us, even if we don’t see that what he thinks is good, is actually good. You know, we always think we know what is best for us but that is not always accurate. God has a plan and a purpose for us, far better than we can imagine.

So in short, this trial, these situations and circumstances, are for my good. They are shaping me and molding me and revealing my sinful heart and… it is a joy that God is shaping me to be more like Christ, more like him. It might hurt, I might not like it, but it is good.  And in that, I can find joy.

The Exchange

So, here is some interesting news…

Ryan and I will be hosting an Exchange Student for the entire 2015/2016 school year. What? I know. Weird right? Who does that.

I thought I should tell you in case you started wondering if we had adopted a teenage boy into our Family.

We kind of did.

You might be wondering why we decided to do it. There are many reasons.

1. No, we are not getting paid- there is absolutely no financial incentive. In fact, we will actually have to provide for this child in some ways (not all).

2. We love people and we want our children to love people. All kinds of people.

3. We believe that we as Americans can get caught up in our little “American bubble”. There is so much more to life and our world than what we see here day-in and day-out. We want our Children (and ourselves) to be exposed to different cultures and people groups and gain a respect and understanding for such things. We think it will be a very eye-opening experience for all of us.

4. There is another BIG reason, but for personal reasons, I can not write about it on the internet. But if you ask me in person I would be glad to tell you all about it. As a blanket answer, it is a Christian reason. <wink>

Once we get permission from our “Son” (ha-ha), I can post more details about him. What I can tell you is that I have already learned so much about our different cultures and language (and geography!) in preparing for his arrival and figuring out how to make such a huge transition more comfortable for all of us. It has definitely already been a learning experience and we are all so excited to see how our lives will be changed because of this.

Some have asked if we have and worries or reservations. Of course! For one, I have never had to raise a teenage boy before. I mean Ryan was one, and I have kissed a few in my past, but never have I had to care for one. I am sure that in itself will be a different experience.  How much will my grocery bill increase? How will our children adjust to their new Family member?

Also, I’m sure there will be a great deal of cultural differences that we are unaware of. And language barriers. This boy is proficient in English, he had to pass an exam to qualify for the program, but knowing English and being completely submersed in it are two totally different things.

So, that is all I have to share with you for you now.

*Guten Tag 😉

Potty Training Success

This is not a “How To” on Successfully Potty Training Your Child.

Honestly, I am quite surprised that we are all potty trained over here. Well, of course WE are potty trained… you know what I mean.

As I have mentioned before in previous posts, Abram is not the easiest Child. Don’t get me wrong, I love him and his cranky, independent, aggressive self. But, nothing except sleep training, has been easy with him. So when the time came to start potty training (which I had been putting off for a while), I was ready for battle. This is the truth. I waited to start potty training him until I felt that I could handle the exhaustion of the struggle associated with potty training him. He was ready, I was not.

It took Abram two days, TWO DAYS to be fully potty trained. WHAT?! Who are you?! Believe me, I was thanking the high Heavens for this miraculous mystery.  I let him pick out his own undies and a potty that sings when you pee and that is all he needed. Once he put on his boxer shorts for the first time (which are literally the cutest things ever) he never wanted a diaper again. W even had to fight at nighttime to put on a diaper.

In the past two months he has probably had a hand full of accidents. He still wears a diaper at night because he cant hold it that long but other than that, he’s golden (I plan to switch to pull-ups but Ryan had just bought a giant box of diapers the week before we started training).

Of course, there have been a few funny incidents. Ryan almost immediately was trying to teach him to pee standing up which I didn’t want because I knew that was going to be too much work for me. Well, of course once Ryan did that Abram would never sit down to pee again. He actually has a pretty good shot so it hasn’t been too rough with the mess. One of the first two days while we were in a crowded bathroom at Church, I was trying to get Abram to sit down and pee before the service started. He started demanding “No, like Daddy does, like  Daddy does”! I figured out that he meant he wanted to pee like Daddy does. So I let him do it. He did such a great job I yelled “Good Job Bud! You did it! You did it just like Daddy!”. Then I realized where I was and that everyone could hear me. Ha-Ha. Oops.

Of course we have had the random pull your pants down in Grandmom’s backyard and just start peeing incident. One time we had to pee outside because we were at an event and he says ” Wook Mom, I’m watering flowers!”.  Another funny thing is that he calls pee “poop” instead so he says “gotto poop!” all of the time and it is funny. Lastly, he refuses to wear “tighty whiteys” and hates wearing pants or shorts over his underwear. He is getting used to it now but that has been the extent of our struggles. He wants to wear underwear everywhere.


I am so proud of him and so thankful I didn’t have to use all of that energy I was preparing to use. Ha


If you were hoping for advice, the only advice I can suggest that worked for my two is to go straight to underwear and don’t go back. Pull-ups feel similar to diapers so sometimes they get confused. Lucy never pee’d in her undies but would go in the pull-ups and even her training underwear (the thicker padded ones). Rewards help too, especially for getting them to poop on the potty because they don’t like it at first. Other than that ask someone else because I had two easy kids when it came to potty training.




2 Must Haves!









What is SLS? Find your answer here.

Why not Fluoride? Find your answer here.

Please take time to actually research theses topics.

Whether you agree or disagree with these two toothpaste additives, my teeth have NEVER felt cleaner! No joke. After just one brushing with this toothpaste my teeth felt significantly cleaner and smoother than they have in my whole life.

Highly, highly recommend you try it out for yourself. There are a few other brands that are comparable, for example EarthPaste which you can find here.

If you want something as close to the commercial brand as possible I suggest getting a mint flavor.









What is so good about Charcoal? You can find that answer here and here.

There are actually many, many benefits of Activated Charcoal but what we mainly use it for is TUMMY ISSUES! Anytime I just don’t feel “right” or something just isn’t settling, I take two pills and within minutes I am no longer feel gross. My Husband LOVES taking charcoal. I will be careful not to say it is a “miracle drug” but in our home,  it is!


I purchased both of these products at Mom’s Organic Market in Timonium (http://www.momsorganicmarket.com) but you can definitely find them online just as easily.

Do yourself a favor and check them out,  you will be very glad you did!


Brief Update on Child #2 (April 2015)


One of the reasons I kept this blog going five years ago was to use it as my Baby Book. Now I am slightly regretful because if I ever want to know something I have to search through 100s of posts. I should have started printing them all out as I wrote them. If you ever want to give me an amazingly thoughtful gift… go through the Lucy and Abram section of my Blog and print out all of my posts about them and chronologically bind them together. Oh man, I will love you foreverrrrr!

So I just wanted to write a few things on here about Abram at 2 1/2.

I Love You = I Luff You!

The Grinch= Minch

May I watch a movie please?= Watch movie peas?

You are now in a “big boy” bed. Sometimes you sleep well in it, sometimes you do not. I was apprehensive to get rid of the crib because you slept so well in it but I wanted to get you into a big bed before I start potty training you this summer. So, it had to be done. When I asked you why you wouldn’t stay in your bed your response was “too big”.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, somehow turns into a gun. You are going to be one of those kids sent home from school because you pointed your String Cheese at the teacher and started making shooting noises. I don’t know how. I don’t know why. All I can say is that you are a boy and with boys come dirt, poop and guns. Naturally.

No, we don’t watch violent TV shows. Well, Jake does carry a pirate sword… not sure if that counts.

You love dinosaurs and bugs. Cars. Sports. Snacks. Mosley (he is your BFF and you hug and kiss him before we leave the house and when we come home). Bath time.

We went bowling for the first time recently. You kept saying “really fun Mom! I like bowling!”. It was really sweet and cute and it made me happy that you could express how you felt about it.

You REALLY dislike wearing your seatbelt and being told “no”.

You like to sneak into my purse and steal gum, coins and my phone. You are like a little Houdini. I don’t know how you succeed at this so often but you just get right in there and take what you want. I often find the purse or the  wrappers on the floor and you hiding in the corning looking incredibly guilty.

You LOVE Pizza and cereal. Both are equally your favorite foods. I found a vegetable that you will eat and that is cucumbers.

You are so loving, affectionate and sweet. You are persistent. You are energetic. You are a master manipulator. You are generous, silly and passionate.

You love the books Dinosaur Roar! and The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything. You love the mini films based off of the books called Gruffalo and The Gruffalo Child. You like Jake and The Neverland Pirates and VeggieTales. Finding Nemo, Frozen and The Grinch. Your favorite songs that you make me sing every night before bed are Jesus Loves Me, Skinnamarinky-dinky-dink (you call this song “I luff me”) and the B-I-B-L-E.

And when you pray before meals and before bed you also pray that “Jesus watch Nemo”.

I can really see your individual personality coming out more and more and your thoughts are being communicated more clearly. It is really cool and exciting to hear you express your opinions and ideas vocally. You say some really funny things and I am so glad they are not just stuck in your head anymore.

Oh, and you may have been my second born but you are not my “#2”. You are equally my number one.


Oh yeah, and I just love how you always come find me to hand me the boogers you just picked out of your nose. And how you always go into the basement for privacy when you have to poop.

And one more thing. You absolutely, without a doubt, LOOOOOOVE snow! Love it. You have been outside helping Daddy “shuvohling” every time it has snowed. It is really hard to get you inside when there is snow on the ground.

New Blog Post. This Is Not About Family Events.

Hello my friends, hello my friends, helloooo, hell-ooooooo…

You can sing that to the tune of “Sholom My Friends” if you remember from Middle School Chorus Class.

It has been a while since I have written. Not for lack of motivation, more so lack of time. Well, Okay, and some motivation. It just seems that more and more I want to do absolutely nothing during my free time because I don’t feel like using my brain or energy (because like a squirrel who stores up nuts for the winter, I have to store up energy for the other half of my day). The other days that I actually have things to do, well I am quite busy and my free time ends too quickly.

I took myself off of Facebook and Instagram for a while because I just found myself mindlessly scrolling, and scrolling, scrolling…. 30 minutes later I have nothing accomplished and my children are now covered in paint and eating M&M’s in the corner. This is an exaggeration, obviously. However, I was using Social Media as a mental escape from my day and I was getting frustrated with myself. You know, if I didn’t waste so much time doing nothing, I could be getting a lot of “somethings” done. Now, not to say that I don’t need a break now and then but I could be mentally breaking at more appropriate times of the day and utilizing more appropriate and healthy means of breaking.

Like, reading or crocheting or researching events for my new Facebook Page that everyone likes, right? <wink>

Anyone else having trouble getting off of the sugar train? Man. Ever since the New Year (I did a good job during Christmas) I just can’t seem to get a handle on my sweet tooth. It’s like I become possessed around 2pm everyday by Willy Wonka and I ravage through my cupboards looking for something I can dip in Peanut Butter. Are you supposed to capitalize Peanut Butter? It is a thing. I don’t know, I always get confused when it comes to capitalizing.

I am going to try to write more. I have a lot of things I want to write about that I haven’t had the opportunity to do. Not that anyone actually reads this, or cares what I have to say, but maybe you do. One thing is embarrassing so at least you will have an opportunity to laugh at me. I always enjoy allowing others the opportunity to laugh at my “misfortunes”.

Have a nice day!


Socially Unacceptable

We can all agree that there are just some things you should never do in public. We can also agree that there are things that you just DO NOT do in a working environment. You know, like blow bubbles with your gum in a cubical, cooking stinky food in the microwave, forgetting to courtesy flush…

I just got the hiccups and it reminded me of something that happened when I was working in a professional position (Ihad to specify because I am still “working” but I will leave that topic for another time <wink>).

I had a serious case of the Hiccups. I tried everything I could to get rid of them. It had been a couple of hours and they were still lingering. I had remembered that someone once told me you could get rid of your hiccups if you drank a glass of water upside down. So, I headed for the kitchen.

I really had to think about which way to bend over because I didn’t want my butt facing the entrance of the kitchen. On the other side of the kitchen was a door that connected another company to ours that people often used so I didn’t want anyone to walk in on me that way. If I bent over in the other direction my butt would be facing the wall of windows that was directly facing the entrance of the parking lot.  I decided that I would face my rear to the sink because I would not be mooning anyone in that position.

None of that information was important to the story but I thought it would be helpful to know my thought process.

So I make my glass of water, hold my breath, then I bend over and start chugging my water.

I stand up only to find the President and CEO of the company standing in the doorway. “What are you doing down there?”

“Ha-Ha. Uhh… trying to get rid of my hiccups?”

So, maybe I should have went into the women’s bathroom instead of the kitchen?

I thought this story was funny at the time but now that it has been about seven years I am laughing at myself for being such an idiot and thinking that this type of behavior was appropriate for a person to do in public. Who hired this little girl? How embarrassing.

…Please excuse me while I go take care of my hiccups.


The Life. The Kids. The Innaproprite. It’s Real Life.

“Today Lucy was looking through one of my Art books from college. She asked me, “why does this guy have a Penis?”

“Umm, because he’s a boy?”

Not quite sure how to explain that.

My Father gave Abram a stuffed frog one day as a gift. He was trying to tell Ryan that Pop-Pop gave him a frog. This is how it went…

“Dad! Fuck Me PopPop.”

“What?!”  <Looking for context clues…>

“Oh! PopPop gave you a frog?”

“Yeah! Fuck me!”  (aka: Yeah! Frog me!)

Is it wrong that we thought is was so hysterical that we called his Grandparents and asked him to say “Frog you”… to everyone at the party?

Well, yes. Yes it is. Sorry. Sometimes it’s just plain funny.

Out of the blue, Lucy looks at Ryan and says: “I hope ___ knows which finger to put it on.”

Ryan responds, “which finger, for what?”

“You know, which finger to put the ring on when he asks me to Marry him.”

When Abram get’s really mad at Lucy he points his finger at her and yells “BAD DOG!”

I deleted Facebook this week. I thought it was a necessary step I had to take. While I may not use it as much as other, I know I use it as a substitute for other things I could be doing. It is a mindless habit that I don’t want to continue. When I am bored or when I am waiting for the microwave or when I am trying to fall asleep… scroll, scroll, scroll…

If I read a book for the same amount of time that I was looking at pictures and reading status updates (which I do enjoy), I would have read 100% more books than I did last year. I would probably be smarter. I would have done a lot more crafts. I would have cleaned my bathroom half as much. Eh. Maybe not.

 I don’t want my face to be stuck in my phone. It’s been stuck in my phone.  I don’t want to lazily rely on my phone for entertainment when I could be doing other, more productive things. I get so annoyed when I put the kids to bed and find that my Husband and I are sitting in the same room not saying one word to each other because I am invested in someone else’s relationship (FB for me, ESPN or Groupon for him).

I am not saying that this is wrong or that I think badly of people who do use this as a form of entertainment, I just know for me, I waste a lot of time doing nothing when I could be doing something.

Do you like this pretty rainbow I am creating. I thought it would be easier to separate my thoughts. And I like color even though it doesn’t look as professional. Wait, do I really think my blog is professional anyway?

Not to complain that my Son in an amazing sleeper (Praise the LORD), but, is sleeping twelve hours a night and taking four-hour naps everyday a little excessive? He has a pretty healthy diet, he isn’t on any medication and doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of any other symptom except that he just likes to sleep. If I try to wake him up early he is SUPER cranky.

Let me just get down to it. This has been an incredibly difficult year for me. I knew it was tougher than the past six or seven but I didn’t really realize it until I sat back and thought about it (or when I realized I was crying every time someone asked me how I was doing (no, I’m not depressed, just exasperated)). I am hoping to get more dates with my Husband this year. I would like to spend more time meditating and reading my Bible ( “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4)  and really investing time into my Children (quality intentional time) and surrounding myself with supportive, encouraging, spontaneous, wise, positive and talkative people. I can’t just be friends with myself! JUST KIDDING!

So, that’s that. My brain kind of just stopped working because someone woke up from a nap and someone came home from work.

Does anyone have any good Deodorant recommendations?


A Dream Come True


We went to Disney World.

It was a dream come true.

I have never been, nor did I think I would ever actually go.

It was amazing. Better than I could have imagined.

There is a lot I could say and SO many pictures I could post (239 to be exact) but for the sake of my readers, I tried to narrow down my thoughts and my picture collection to just a few of my favorites.


I would not go

back during a Fall/Winter Holiday. Possibly between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but not in the month of November.

Definitely get a Hopper. Worth every penny.

I cried several times. I was overwhelmed with joy. It’s normal I tell you! <wink>

I wanted to take pictures of all the kids crying at “The Happiest Place on Earth”. Ironic.

I’m pretty sure we WILL NOT drive, ever again.

Now I get it, I can’t wait to go back!

Chasing Beauty.


I have never, ever felt beautiful.

I am a rare breed. I have red hair, freckles and pale skin. I have dark under-eye circles, crooked teeth and I walk like a duck.

Don’t worry, my peers never let me forget about all of my flaws.

Most of my childhood was spent questioning why I was made to look the way I did. There were exactly 3.2  Redheads in my school at any given time. All of my friends could tan and most of them had the “privilege” of getting braces during those awkward Middle School years.

In High School I lost a bunch of weight and started gaining more attention so I attributed beauty with being skinny. Though thin, I still didn’t get the same attention from boys as my blonde and brunette friends. Surprisingly, I never died my hair. I thought about it NUMEROUS times but was afraid it would look terrible and I wouldn’t be able to dye it back to my original color if I didn’t like it.

It probably has only been in the past couple of years that I actually have begun to appreciate the uniqueness of the way I look and the way God made me.  I like that I have red hair. I like my freckles. My crooked teeth are not as noticeable as I once thought. They make amazing make-up for those dark-circles and I still try to fix my feet when I notice them getting lazy.

>Rabbit Trail…

This is the thing. I get SUPER pissed when people judge others for the way they look. I 100% hate the way people talk about being fat and skinny and if they think other people are fat and skinny.

I wanted to write this because I want everyone to know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!  You are! You were made perfectly you. You are perfectly unique. There is no one else like you and that is a good thing!

Now, I am not saying  that it is not important to take care of yourself and your body. There are ways you can hurt your body and your health but you do not have to have a cookie cutter body type to be beautiful.

I know that this can be a hard thing not only for children growing up but for women who have just had babies. I am reading a book called “Loving the Little Years” by Rachel Jancovic. She wrote something that I thought was very helpful;

“…Motherhood is what your stomach was made for- and any wear and tear that it shows is simply the sign of well-used tools. We are not to treat our bodies like museum pieces. They were given to us to use. So use it cheerfully, and maintain it cheerfully. When you are working hard to lose baby weight, think of it as tool maintenance. You want to fix your body up in order to use it some more. Maybe to have more children or to take care of the children you have… Scars and stretch marks and muffin tops are all part of your kingdom work. ”

Take this as you will but I found this encouraging as a mother with both stretch marks and scars. How do you hide this? You don’t- you wear them proudly.

One more point I would like to make is that God does NOT make any mistakes.

For a long time, even until recently, I may have been content with the way I looked, but really I thought that God just forgot a few things.

  1. My frame was not hidden from you
        when I was made in the secret place,
        when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
       Your eyes saw my unformed body;
        all the days ordained for me were written in your book
        before one of them came to be.  Proverbs 139:15-16
  2. “God in His love always wills what is best for us. In His wisdom He always knows what is best, and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about.”
    Jerry Bridges, Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts    

SO, basically God made us the way he thought best for us. He made us and knew us before the beginning of the earth. He didn’t forget anything. We were made perfectly by His design (He as in the one who created the Universe).

I am not perfect. I still compare myself. It is still a struggle.  BUT, I want to believe it. I want you to believe it.

Be kind to one another. Stop being hard on yourself. It’s okay to be different. BE DIFFERENT! Embrace your flaws.