
I miss writing.

I woke up early this morning and came into my basement so I could write.

Coincidentally my Husband just came down stairs and I am needed.

So again, I can’t put time into this post as I had planned.

That’s okay, I got something on the screen so that is a step!

Have a great day!

I’m Two and Kind of Terrible

Abram (2)

Hello. I’m Abram. Aren’t I cute? Yeah, I know. I know how to work it.

Do you like my shirt? I prefer to wear clothes that only have balls on them. My Mom tries to get me to wear other types of clothing (you know, like stripes or shirts with words- yuck!) but I give her a fit until she finds something I like.

You know what else I like to do? Eat. I love to eat. I am always “hungey”. My Mom tries to get me to eat healthy stuff but I refuse to eat until she finally gives me cereal. It would have been a whole lot easier on her if she had just given me what I wanted in the first place!

My Mom, I love that lady. In fact, I love her so much that when other kids (like my Sister) try to play with her or sit on her lap, I push them off or yell and cry until there is room for me. I know she is great and all but she is all MINE! Well, except when she tries to put clothes on me… then I run from her.

Oh man. This is the funniest thing. I just figured out how to shoot snot out of my nose. My Mom HATES it when I do that. If I really want to make her mad, after she like, makes me put on my seat belt or tells me “no”, I just snot everywhere. It’s awesome.

I hate the Dr. My Mom tried to take me there to get a check-up (why do I need a check-up? I’m Fine!). OH NO! I was not having it! I know what they do there. They like, take my temperature and like, make me stand on this thing that tell my Mom how much food I’ve been eating. Don’t worry, I figured out how to get out of there right quick. I basically just scream and cry and yell and shake and kick and yell until everyone leaves me alone. I thought it was a good idea but my Mom was NOT happy! She told Dad that he had to take me to the Dr. from now on. I guess I should have thought that one through.

The girls in my house can’t understand why I like to beat things up so much. I mean, who doesn’t like a good fight? Why would God make me so strong if I wasn’t allowed to hit anyone? They don’t get it.

Also, I met this girl. She’s pretty cool I guess. Her name is Anna. She likes to build Snowmen and ride bikes around the hallway. That is so cool. Mom doesn’t let me see her that much even though I ask her everyday. That’s okay. I have a recording of her singing that I get to listen to in the car when I “do a good job”… whatever that means. She’s my favorite.

You know what else is my favorite? Fish! I just turned two and my Mom and Dad took me to the big place that has all of the fish. You know, where Nemo lives! I love it there! They have BIG SHARKS!  And Nemo! Please Mom… I want to “SEE FISH”!

I better go now. My Sister wants me to go jump on the bed with her. I might go chase the dog. Oooo, maybe I will go sneak some goldfish. Or sneak my binky out of my bed. Or poop. Who knows, I can do whatever I want! I run this joint!

More About Practically Loving Your Husband

Hello World.

It’s me. I’m here.

What a whirlwind of a Summer. My life, I mean really. Lots of exciting things. And of course there is always some gloom thrown in there too. And tans.  And tears. And baby sitters needed please!

Moving on.

On my way to Church yesterday I was daydreaming. I had a revelation that I wanted to write about. One reason because my thoughts are more clear to me when I write them out and two, I have found that most of the time I am not the only person with these thoughts and that most people usually enjoy when I write about such things.

Okay, picture this. <Yes, I’m asking you to daydream with me for a minute…>

You are out somewhere and one of your girlfriends walk up to you. Well doesn’t she look cute and stylish?!

“Awe! I love your shoes, are they new?” 

(We all notice when our friends have new clothes, don’t we?)

“Yes, they are, I got them last week! I just had to have them.”

 “Well isn’t that nice. New shoes. I need new shoes.”

You shoot a look over towards your husband and say “Wish I could afford new shoes”. Then you look back at your friend and continue on your normal conversation.

And there it is.

Did you see it? Did you see what I did there? I just blamed my Husband for not having a nice new pair of shoes. That look, and comment, just said everything.

{I don’t have new shoes like my friend here because YOU wont let me get them. YOU don’t make enough money so I can’t look cute like my good looking friend here. YOU are not a good enough provider for our Family therefore I have to suffer.}

Ouch. That hurt a little bit when I thought about it. Is that really what is in my heart when I have a response like that? Yes, I believe so.

I know my situation may be a little different from yours. Together, we made a choice that I would be a Stay-at-Home Mother and with that obviously comes sacrifices (like shoes) but I know I still do this. I know I sometimes unintentionally put the burden on my Husband to not only provide for our needs, but ALL of my wants. And blame him when it doesn’t happen.

When I am not satisfied and I am being ungrateful (or blaming him for what I “don’t” have), I am telling him he is not doing a good enough job. 

That is so far from the truth. He is amazing. He works so hard for us. I may not get new shoes every season, or year, but I am clothed and we do take vacations and I  get to go on a date every once in a while and I pretty much get Chipotle every time I want it.   

I’m sorry Ry-Ry for being ungrateful. I’m sorry for not trusting God with my needs and wants and putting all of the burden and responsibility on you.

So, before you give him “that look”  or make a “certain comment” when your BFF buys a nice new house or your neighbor pulls up in that shiny new car… just think about what you might really be saying to your Husband, and don’t say it.




(Disclaimer- I am not judging anyone else here, I am just sharing my personal feelings. I also know that it is NOT wrong to desire new shoes or a new outfit, or anything you may be desiring. I am just commenting on my response to my Husband in situations such as the one I have experienced.)


Abram is Turning 2!


My little boy is turning two! I can’t believe it.

I am writing this a week early because we will be on vacation next week and I would rather write earlier than later. You know, in case some people have forgotten and need to go out and buy him presents.

Just kidding. <wink>

You Mr. Price, are a HANDFUL! You are super energetic and aggressive. You are strong-willed and  independent. At the same time, you are SO cuddly and loving. You smile ALL THE TIME (unless you are throwing a tantrum or hitting your Sister).  You love your Mommy. You don’t like to not be near me, or on me, or by me, or for me to eat my own food without you sharing it…

You absolutely love balls. All kinds of balls. You literally can not walk past a ball without yelling “BALL!” and running up to it. You respond to dogs the exact same way but that is a little more dangerous.


Currently your favorite “foods” include Mac & Cheese, squeezable apple sauce, pizza (you freaking love pizza), donuts (chocolate glazed is your number one), lollipops and ice cream (I dare not touch your ice cream). I wish I could be more proud of your food choices but hey, who can blame you?!


You absolutely DO NOT like Ketchup. I think this is so weird but you don’t and you’re fine with that.

Your favorite songs are B-I-B-L-E, Skinnamarinky Dinky Dink and Do You Want to Build a Snowman which you call “Anna”.

Your favorite books are The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything which you call “Pirate”, Horns to Toes and In Between and Moo, Baa, La, La, La!

You don’t really watch TV or Movies yet but the two that you have interest in are Frozen (which is your favorite fave and you will actually sit through the whole thing) and Jake and The Neverland Pirates.


Abram. I love you. You are definitely a challenge but you are also a tremendous joy. I love how much you love your Sister and how you just love to be with her. I love it that you are constantly saying “hi” to strangers everywhere we go. I wish you would keep your shoes on. Thank you for reminding me to pray everyday at lunch. Thank you for all of the hugs and kisses that I didn’t have to ask for! I love your dimples, your curly hair and watching all of the things I prayed for you come true.

Happy Birthday Buddy, hoping this next year is more exciting than the last.


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*This year included your first trip to the Zoo, first time fishing, first trip to Hammerman Park, first time swimming by yourself in a pool, first amusement park ride, first ice cream cone, first trip to the movies, first time at the Dentist (unsuccessful), first Orioles Game and first time on an air plane.

Second Generation Problem

This morning when my daughter climbed into bed with me she seemed troubled. Before I could say something and ask what was bothering her she said:

“Mom, a girl stuck her tongue out at me two times last night at the party.”

“She did? Why did she do that?”

“I don’t know.”

“Did you say something to her or accidentally bump into her?”

“No, I was just staring at her.”

“Ooooh. Yeah. That explains it. People don’t like it when you do that.”


I have written a post before about mybad” habit. Looks like some things are genetic.





You Are My Sunshine

My Sister-in-law Melanie (Mel as we call her) was pregnant with a little girl (I’m so late with these things). Her name is Charlotte.

Melanie’s Husband Josh calls Mel “Sunshine” so when it was time to plan a baby shower for little Charlotte, we knew just what to do. Again, most of the decorations were hand-made (except for the clouds which we got from Etsy for $2!!) and the cake was done by our fabulous Aunt Linda.

I think everything turned out quite bright, don’t you? <wink>

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The favor making team:

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M&M’s and marshmallows were supposed to look like clouds and suns. Eh, it was tasty and festive anyway.


And, this is Baby Charlotte…

char char

So, so sweet.




Little Man

I wish I had more pictures to share from this Baby Shower but I have somehow lost them (along with my mind).

A few months ago, we had a “Little Man” Baby Shower for my Sister-in-law. This shower theme is pretty trendy right now so it was super easy to gather up ideas and put this little shin-dig together. Most of the decorations were hand-made (such as the mustache and tie garland on bottom right) or purchased from oriental trading (nice and cheap). Complete with chevron paper lanterns and chevron table cloths, this baby shower was super cute and perfect for baby boy and Mommy-to-be.

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And, this is Baby Parker!


Ain’t he cute?!!


* Special thanks to Aunt Linda for the AMAZING cake.

I’m Lost.

Forgive my lack of posting. My computer is dead. Blogging from my phone is not exactly ideal. I’m sad.

I don’t want to buy a new computer. Ugh.

When I have a functioning computer, I am going to write everyday. There are so many thoughts bouncing in my head. I miss writing. It is not like I have a huge following, but I love the outlet.

My kids are growing up and doing/saying a lot of fun/funny things. There is SO much going on in my personal life. Good and “bad”. Lots of parties.

I want to tell you about all of it but I can’t right now.

I miss you.

Thanks for reading.

I’ll be back soon.

Feel free to make a donation to the “I Need A New Computer” fund.



Anniversary in Annapolis


Ryan and I celebrated our sixth Wedding Anniversary this past Saturday in Annapolis.

You would think since we live so close to our states capital, we would have been there at some point by now. We haven’t. Well, we have now, but we haven’t been prior. You know what I mean.

Going to unfamiliar places for the first time is always kind of hard. You don’t really know what to do or where to go or what to see so we will definitely have to go back now that we have been.

I love old historical places. They are so cute and filled with so much charm and, well, history!

Apparently Homemade Ice Cream is a big thing. They have ice cream shops everywhere. I really wanted to get some but I was trying to save room for our dinner. I was very tempted though. There were lines out of every shop and everyone was walking around with a melty cone. I will definitely be indulging when we return.



This is where we were specifically. We parked on Newman Street (which is just below Green Street) and walked to Main Street from there. Most places were metered parking but we got lucky and found a non-metered spot on a side street. The walk was not bad at all, it looks a lot further on the map.


This was the view of the Harbor. If you have boat envy, you probably never want to visit here. Boats are everywhere. All kinds of boats. And Yachts. It is quite beautiful.  Everyone has a boat or looks like they have a boat. A lot of people dock their boats and hang out on them. I have never been interested in having a boat. I kind of want a boat now.


This is the view up Main Street. Isn’t it adorable? I LOVE, love all of the old buildings that have been turned into shops and restaurants, little bars and coffee shops.


I tipped this guy. He was amazing. I love live entertainment. His music really added to the atmosphere. Good job, sir. Keep on playin’!


That’s my man (who refuses to shave his beard) in front of the State House. What a sport.


After we walked around for a while we stopped into what seamed like a local joint called Pussers Caribbean Grille (terrible name, cool place) for some refreshments. It was a nice place and I wanted to highlight it. You can’t highlight everything else and not include a picture for others, right? Anyway. You should go here if you visit. Sit outside. You are right on the water and have a beautiful view. They have live music too! Eek!


And lastly, we ended our evening at The Melting Pot in Annapolis. We have never been and have been wanting to go so we made reservations because it wasn’t far from where we were spending the day. It was really amazing. You should go there. You could definitely just go for dessert or appetizers if you didn’t want to go for dinner. We did the whole “four course meal” thing. Too much food! Of course, I ate all of it.

We had an amazing day exploring a new town and enjoying the day together. I am beyond blessed by the man I get to call my Husband. Happy Anniversary! Here’s to 100 more!!

… I’ll let you know how the ice cream is!






Do we always like our kids?

photoI was talking with a friend of mine who is having a hard time parenting her 18 month old son. She says to me: “I feel like such a bad Mom; I do not always like my Son. He is very difficult to deal with and is always yelling and screaming. When I get on Facebook, everyone loves being a Mother and loves having children- I just do not feel that way”.

Well, she is not alone, is she ladies? I know that I am not out of line in saying that this is a VERY common feeling! I have been there these past few weeks myself. Parenting is HARD! Being a Mom is hard. No doubt about it. Sure, there are seasons of parenting that are easier than others, but as a whole, this is the hardest job in town.

I know it is super easy to get caught up in the “I am a terrible Mom” mindset. Especially when we are comparing ourselves to the “Highlight Reel” of “Super Mom’s” on Facebook and Instagram. Be assured, there is no such thing. Often times, the pictures I post on social media are the only joyful moments of the day! The rest of the time when I am not posting pictures, I am cleaning  dried up food off of the walls and disciplining a little boy who can’t seem to grasp the idea that hitting his Sister with a bat is a bad thing.

To the Mom who is chasing after aggressive and energetic boys, or arguing with a strong-willed daughter, or a Mom who has a new baby who won’t stop crying and never sleeps… You are normal. This is normal. We are in this together. We WILL get through it! We will. It gets better.

Take a deep breath. It will all be okay. It will. We will.

I love my kids. Do I always like my kids? Sometimes, no. But I do want to be the best Mother I can be and love these little gremlins even when I feel they are not worthy of being loved for the moment.

Are you with me?

We are Mom’s! We have the greatest most important job in the world. It is not always easy. We are never going to be perfect. BUT, it is SO worth it.

We can’t do it alone so go call someone. Pray. Go on a date. Drop that kid off at Grandma’s!  Take a nap. Put on a darn movie (Do it I won’t think any less of you).


And that, is my trying to encourage the weary Mom. Do you feel encouraged? <wink>



“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13